Complete and submit this form to request artwork for business cards. Be sure to complete all mandatory fields. The Communications Department provides the artwork set-up free of charge. You will receive a print-ready file to send to the District approved print vendor of your choice. If you have any questions, please contact Debbie Smith in Communications at 42449.(link to vendors) Important - please proofread for accuracy before submitting. Sample Business Card:
This is the person who will receive the print-ready proof. Important - Leave blank if you are ordering your own cards
Please complete all mandatory fields.
Note: for the District Office Complex, please use the following key: Bld #1 - 7301 Land O’ Lakes Boulevard Bld #2, 2A, 2B - 7227 Land O’ Lakes Boulevard Bld #3 7205 Land O’ Lakes Boulevard Bld #4, 5, 5A, 6, 7 - 20430 Gator Lane Bld #8, 8A, 8B - 20425 Gator Lane Bld # 10, 11 - 7301 Land O’ Lakes Boulevard Bld # 12, 13 - 7309 Land O’ Lakes Boulevard